Apropos en eng / Concerning a meadow is a durational and relational art project, performed by visual artist Kerstin Bergendal from 2019-2024. The project aims to challenge the planning for a large reorganization of the urban area of Bispebjerg in Copenhagen North West, DK. Appropriated for a large climate protection plan, the two open neighboring greens Bispeparken and Grønningen are subsequently reprogrammed into a new public park. The Danish Arts Foundation and the Area Renewal Project North West of the City of Copenhagen commissioned Kerstin Bergendal to carry out a public art project – concerning this urban development.

Concerning a Meadow unfolds in a gap between spatial planning, public consultation, and the expanded mandate of visual art. Kerstin Bergendal approached residents and professionals linked to the site. She enquired about and documented their points of view on the area and the future reorganization, and published sixteen 8-10 minute portrait videos on this homepage. In 2020, these videos were formally included by the municipality in the compulsory background material for the planners of the future park.

During 2020-2021 the circle of participants was expanded. In collaboration with graphic designer and visual artist Åse Eg Jørgensen, Kerstin Bergendal formatted a series of differently informal, but yet public conversations. Despite strict restrictions due to COVID, the repeated informal exchanges gradually produced shared imagery of a possible park, but in particular regarding the qualities and urgent matters of the everyday, in the urban area. Each of these conversations were documented, and can be accessed by the public on the Danish version of this homepage.

Finally, in 2022, the artist was invited also to “disrupt” the then-completed design of the future park. In dialogue with the landscape architects, she elaborated a series of permanent additions to the design, consisting of simple yet ambiguous physical structures. Each visitor will need consider how to appropriate them, thus defining what they are. This continued co-production of the space, ties back to the extended conversation about the park. The new park will be completed in 2024. 

This homepage is a public presentation of Apropos en eng/ Concerning a Meadow. Above, a short video ( 2 minutes) showing the strategy of the project. Each of the five tabs above, leads to a more detailed description of the different stages of the proces. 

View of the green from the South, 2019
View of the green from the South, 2019




Concerning a Meadow was realised in close collaboration with graphic designer and visual artist Åse Eg Jørgensen and in dialogue with Sara Katrine Nissen OMF Nordvest and Ann Lilja from Technical and Environnemental Dep of Copenhagen City.


The project has received a generous support from: